We’ll bring your vision to life!

You are a business owner or a marketing manager, good! We’re glad to meet you. We provide comprehensive services for wordpress websites: design, development, and monthly maintenance for businesses.

Whether you need to launch next week or you want a fully custom, feature-rich website, we have the expertise to support your website goals!

You have in mind, we built it for you!

You have the idea, We consult to help you understand the best solutions to bring your concept to life. With your approval, we will proceed with the design and development to create a complete website.

Businesses love our flexible hourly rates

With our hourly pricing, we offer transparent rates for your project. You can remove unnecessary items or tasks you can handle yourself to keep costs reasonable.

You can also ask us to develop additional features for your existing website at a reasonable cost. We are happy to accompany you on this long journey.

We have everything you need for your wordpress website

The Project Execution Process

The process ensures consistent product quality and also keeps you informed about the stage of your project.

01. Discussing to create a project brief

A discussion (in-person or via online meeting) will help us understand your expectations and the resources you allocate for the project.

Defining the project scope helps identify the issues to resolve and those that are not necessary in this version.

Based on the brand identity and project brief, we will design the pages within the project scope.

we’ll need you to review all designs. We’ll then make adjustments until you’re satisfied with the final product

Based on the design files and the brief, we will proceed to implement the website’s features, build the interface.

Before sending you the demo link, we will conduct error checking. However, if you still find any remaining issues, we will proceed to fix them to ensure completion.

Deploying the website source code to the cloud environment. Configuring the domain and related components to officially launch the website.

Carrying out the handover process, guiding you through the use of the admin interface for easy website management.

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